Lauren Drislane
Lauren Drislane currently resides in Dayton, Ohio where she works within a special education setting teaching K-12 Health and Physical Education. Originally from New York state, she has been involved in the marching arts since 2001. As a performer, she was involved in numerous organizations including Shenendehowa HS Winterguard, Onyx Winterguard, and the Pride of Cincinnati Winterguard. In having a strong passion for dance, she has also performed with the SUNY Cortland Dance Company and the Pride of Cincinnati Dance Ensemble.
Along with her drive for performing, Lauren has also taught numerous scholastic and independent ensembles with a focus in movement. She is currently teaching the Miamisburg HS Winterguard, Pride of Cincinnati Dance Ensemble, and the Santa Clara Vanguard Drum and Bugle Corps.
“With movement being a fast growing element in the marching arts, this clinic is geared to build knowledge and tools for students and educators to take home. I am looking forward to sharing a day full of performance opportunities, education workshops, and expanding elements in marching visual programs!”